Thursday, October 24, 2019

Check the new IFPDAVA Website

Dear IFPDAVA Members (and not-yet members),

We have updated the website to respond to the decision at the 2019 General Assembly of the Association, where it was decided to establish a Member only Area with individual password establishment. This involved a transfer to a new host, which is now completed. If you already are a registered Member, you still have to re-register on the new website in order to receive your password and to get access to the Member area.
New potential Members can also register, the approval of the membership will be done by the Executive Board. It is usually quite quick. Please also note that some Members have not received an invoice for the 2019 fee yet. We apologize for the inconvenience but we are still having some issues with the banking. We want to provide some way to pay by credit card in order to avoid transaction fees. Thanks for the patience.

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